Archive | February 2017

The Era Of Human-Animal Hybrid Chimeras Has Begun

By Michael Snyder/End Of The American Dream
Human-animal mutant creatures make for great material for science fiction writers, but we aren’t supposed to be creating them in the real world.
In so many ways, the technological advancements that we have made as a society are outpacing our ability to handle those advancements, and this field is certainly a glaring example of that reality.
Just because we can create human-animal hybrid chimeras does not mean that we should. Genetic modification is a particularly dangerous science, because we are literally tinkering with the future of our planet.
And when it comes to humans and animals, those are two things that definitely should not mix.
Unfortunately, they are being mixed, and this could have enormous implications as our society plunges into a very uncertain future.
During all of the chaos surrounding the 2016 presidential election, a stunning announcement by the National Institutes of Health went unnoticed by almost everyone.
The following comes from a Huffington Post article entitled “The Island of Dr. Moreau For Real”…
In August 2016, the National Institutes of Health announced that it was lifting its ban on research that introduces stem cells from humans into animal embryos. Stem cells have the ability to evolve into any human cell and can grow into any human tissue. 
The goal of this type of research is to grow human tissues and eventually human replacement organs in animals. 
What an innovative way to improve upon transplantation medicine! But to realize this potential, we would create an organism that is part animal and part human! These hybrids are the stuff of ancient mythology. 
These mixtures of different animals are called chimeras after the mythical ancient Greek creature that was part lion, snake and goat. 
One goal of today’s research is to produce tissues and organs for experimentation that will improve our understanding of human disease. 
An alternative and longer term goal would be to produce organs directly for human transplantation. Imagine an infinite source of human organs – one wears out and you produce a new one as a replacement.
When human stem cells are introduced into an animal embryo, that creature becomes part human.
So does a part-human creature have rights?
If so, how do those rights differ from those of a full human?
These are the kinds of questions that ethicists are starting to wrestle with.
The thought of creating human-animal hybrids just for the purpose of growing organs which will be used for medical transplants is beyond disturbing. But this is what our scientists actually intend to do.
And just this week, the National Academies of Sciences and Medicine has released a brand new report that endorses the genetic modification of humans. The following comes from a Gizmodo article…
Today, the National Academies of Sciences and Medicine released a major new report and recommendations to ensure any such research done stateside in the future is performed responsibly and ethically.
The implicit message is that whether we like it or not, a future of gene-edited humans is on its way.
Messing around with the genetic material of humans means that you are literally messing around with the future of the human race.
And once this genetic material starts being passed from generation to generation, it will literally be impossible to put the genie back into the bottle ever again.
Fortunately, there are some experts that are extremely alarmed by this new report…
“The recommendations and conclusions of this report are unsettling and disappointing,” said Marcy Darnovsky, PhD, Executive Director of the Center for Genetics and Society. 
“Although they’re couched in apparently cautionary language, they actually constitute a green light for proceeding with efforts to modify the human germline — that is, to engineer the genes and traits that are passed on to future children and generations.”
Hopefully the scientific community will listen to people like Dr. Darnovsky before things get wildly out of control.
There are some scientists out there that actually want to “enhance” humans by introducing genetic material from animals.
The theory is that introducing genetic material from animals could give us “super sight” or “super strength” or other extraordinary powers.
This is the kind of thing that researchers such as Steve Quayle and Tom Horn have been warning about for years.
In the future we could literally have a creature that is 60 percent human and 40 percent bear for example. How would we treat such a creature?
And as such creatures became more numerous, how would they treat us?
If you think that such a thing could never happen, just consider ten examples of creatures that are already being created by science…
#1 Genetically modified cattle with human DNA
#2 Rats with human kidneys
#3 Human-mouse hybrids with freakishly large brains
#4 Humanized milk-producing goats
#5 Mice with human anal sphincters
#6 Rabbit Eggs with Human Cells
#7 Pigs with Human Blood
#8 Sheep with Human Livers
#9 Cow Eggs with Human Cells
#10 Cat-Human Hybrid Proteins
How human does a creature have to be before it has a human soul?
Somebody better start asking questions like this, because we are “playing god” and we are tinkering with things that we do not fully understand.
We have already gone way too far, but scientists all over the globe continue to press on even farther. Even if we were to completely ban this kind of “research” in the United States, it would still progress in other industrialized nations all over the planet.
The genetic modification of humans and animals is part of a larger trend that we are currently witnessing. In the scientific community, there is a tremendous amount of excitement about the fact that humans can finally “take control of their own evolution”.
There are many scientists that believe that we can use various forms of technology to give ourselves superhuman powers and radically extend our lifespans.
And as technology continues to increase at an exponential rate, these scientists believe that we will be able to ultimately create a “post-human society” where all sickness, disease, poverty and war are eradicated.
So they aren’t concerned about the potential dangers of these new technologies because they believe that we are right on the verge of achieving immortality and transforming this planet into a technological utopia that will be perfect in every way.
In other words, they believe that humanity will no longer need “god” because we will be our own gods.
Unfortunately for all the rest of us, in their relentless pursuit of this very foolish dream they are racing toward genetic Armageddon, and they are opening up a Pandora’s box of horrors that they simply do not understand.

Pope Francis Continues Push For One World Religion

By Michael Snyder/End Of The American Dream
When I first started seeing headlines this week that claimed that Pope Francis said that “Muslim terrorism does not exist”, I thought that it couldn’t possibly be true.
After all, who could possibly deny that Islamic radicals are engaged in terrorism? Within the last 30 days, there have been 127 Islamic terror attacks in a total of 25 different countries.
And in 2016 global terror attacks set an all-time record high and were up 25 percent from the year before.
Unfortunately, there are many world leaders that are so politically correct and that are so married to the idea that Islam is good that they cannot admit to themselves that radical Islamic terror is being fuelled by radical Islamic beliefs.
And in the case of Pope Francis, he is exceedingly careful never to say anything negative about Islam because it would greatly hinder his efforts to bring all of the major religions of the planet closer together.
Ever since the very beginning of his papacy, Pope Francis has been pushing for global unity in religious matters, global unity in economic matters and global unity in political matters.
The following timeline of events comes from one of my previous articles…
May 2016: Pope Francis welcomed one of the top Sunni clerics in the world to the Vatican, and he reportedly told the cleric that “our meeting is the message”.
And mainstream news outlets all over the planet clearly understood what was being communicated. For example, the Daily Mail article about this meeting was entitled “Pope embraces grand imam at historic Vatican meeting in a bid to bring the Catholic and Muslim churches together”.
January 2016: The Vatican releases an extremely disturbing video in which Pope Francis declared that all of the major world religions are “seeking God or meeting God in different ways” and that ultimately “we are all children of God”.
The video also featured leaders from various major religions, and they are shown declaring fidelity to their particular gods.
First, we see a female Buddhist cleric tell us “I have confidence in the Buddha”, and that is followed by a Jewish rabbi declaring “I believe in God”.
As the video goes on, a Catholic priest announces “I believe in Jesus Christ”, and last of all an Islamic leader boldly declares “I believe in God, Allah”.
November 2015: Pope Francis declared that fundamentalism, even Christian fundamentalism, is a “sickness” during remarks in which he stressed the similarity of the major religions.
September 2015: Pope Francis traveled to New York City to deliver a speech that kicked off a conference during which the United Nations unveiled a “new universal agenda” for humanity.
September 2015: During a stop at St. Patrick’s Cathedral, Pope Francis stressed the unity between Christianity and Islam. These words were directly spoken by him…
I would like to express two sentiments for my Muslim brothers and sisters: Firstly, my greetings as they celebrate the feast of sacrifice. I would have wished my greeting to be warmer. My sentiments of closeness, my sentiments of closeness in the face of tragedy. The tragedy that they suffered in Mecca.
In this moment, I give assurances of my prayers. I unite myself with you all. A prayer to almighty god, all merciful.
July 2015: During a trip to Ecuador, Pope Francis spoke of the need for “a new economic and ecological world order” in which the wealth of the planet is “shared by everyone”.
July 2015: Pope Francis denounced global capitalism and refers to its excesses as the “dung of the devil”.
June 2015: Pope Francis called for “a new global political authority” that would have the resources necessary “to deal with the world’s economic problems and injustices”.
October 2014: Pope Francis publicly embraced the theory of evolution by making statements such as these…
-“When we read about Creation in Genesis, we run the risk of imagining God was a magician, with a magic wand able to do everything. But that is not so.”
-“The Big Bang, which today we hold to be the origin of the world, does not contradict the intervention of the divine creator but, rather, requires it.”
-“Evolution in nature is not inconsistent with the notion of creation, because evolution requires the creation of beings that evolve.”
By fully embracing the theory of evolution, Pope Francis has aligned himself with the leftist social engineers that are seeking to merge humanity into a socialist new world order, and he has aligned himself against “fundamentalists” that believe that there is one true God that created the heavens and the earth.


June 2014: For the first time in the history of Catholicism, Pope Francis authorized “Islamic prayers and readings from the Quran” at the Vatican. In ancient times, this would have been considered blasphemy, but today nobody really even notices when something like this happens.
March 2013:
During his very first ecumenical meeting as Pope, Francis made it very clear that he believes that Christians and Muslims both “worship the one God”…
I then greet and cordially thank you all, dear friends belonging to other religious traditions; first of all the Muslims, who worship the one God, living and merciful, and call upon Him in prayer, and all of you. I really appreciate your presence: in it I see a tangible sign of the will to grow in mutual esteem and cooperation for the common good of humanity.
The Catholic Church is aware of the importance of promoting friendship and respect between men and women of different religious traditions – I wish to repeat this: promoting friendship and respect between men and women of different religious traditions – it also attests the valuable work that the Pontifical Council for interreligious dialogue performs.
The evidence very clearly shows that Pope Francis is a globalist, and the globalists are absolutely convinced that this planet could be transformed into some sort of great progressive utopia if they could just get humanity to unite.
But when they are finally able to achieve their goal, it won’t be a utopia at all. Instead, it will bring about the greatest tyranny that humanity has ever experienced under the rule of the Antichrist.
Whenever you deny the truth, you open yourself up for deception.
And everyone out there that chooses to believe that Islam has nothing to do with terrorism and that all religions are equally valid paths to the same God is opening the door wide to great deception.
In this day and age, it is imperative that we all learn how to think for ourselves and to boldly speak the truth – even if that means disagreeing with the Pope himself.

Another Company Offers Microchip Implants For Workers

Implanting radio frequency identification (RFID) chips has made headlines again as a company in Belgium, NewFusion, has implemented the device for its employees.
Surgically implanted in the hands of its employees, the tiny transmitters broadcast a simple code that allows employees to access company facilities and computer systems.
The chips, now growing in popularity especially in Australia and Europe, are about the size of a grain of rice and range in price from $80-$100.
Placed under the skin between the thumb and index finger, they behave like a traditional electronic key card, yet one that won’t be left home on the kitchen table.
Thankfully, at least for now, NewFusion has offered a chip-enabled ring for those who would prefer to avoid being implanted.
Supporters of the move toward implanted ID chips of course inevitably point to the incredible convenience of embedding your identity number inside your skin, but in their headlong rush to embrace this brave new world, they overlook many of the both obvious and frightening concerns as well as the more mundane drawbacks of “getting chipped”.
As several astute writers have already pointed out, what happens when an employee of NewFusion leaves the company?
Rather than turning a key fob in at the HR office, now a surgical procedure is needed to remove the implant.
It isn’t hard to imagine a world in which enough companies “chip” their employees that a surgical procedure would be required for employment in the same way that a drug test often does today.
For those arguing for convenience, these ambulatory surgeries hardly seem convenient at all.
In the Czech Republic, implanted RFID chips are being used in connection with bitcoin by a nonprofit called Paralelni. Bitcoin, a virtual currency that stores value in a cryptographic blockchain shared around the world, has proven to be a playground for hackers exploiting the digital phenomenon.
The only difference here is that when your bitcoins are taken, you are left with a microchip embedded in your body to remind you of your newly empty bank account.
NewFusion is a digital marketing firm that asks its employees to forego both their comfort and safety all in the name of convenience.
Fears of company tracking are likely overblown at this point, due to the power and range of the RFID chips in use, but the greater risk lies in the possibility of normalizing this practice, as if we were all animals to be tagged, herded and led to the slaughter.
If this becomes the new normal, there will be hardly a word of protest uttered when it isn’t just a fringe digital marketing company, but instead everyone who wants to be able to fly, or use a credit or bank card, or access healthcare.
The now-familiar passage from the Book of Revelation bears repeating here: “He [the antichrist] causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads, and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name (Revelation, Chapter 13).
Now is the time to resist this movement of so-called transhumanism–now, before it becomes a part of the “new normal” or the next government mandate.
Even the rampant popularity of tattoos is desensitizing the world in a way that may cause the Mark of the Beast to seem as innocuous as ‘just another tattoo’.
The prophetic words of the Bible have never rung more true and relevant than they do today with the transition to digital currency taking place in many countries and the reliance on identity now possible with a “mark” such as implanted RFID chips.
NewFusion may be the first Belgian company to chip their employees, but with rumors already circulating that others are considering similar policies, they likely won’t be the last.

After Syria, Hezbollah Will Turn Its Eyes To Israel

Israel has struck Hezbollah targets near the Syrian capital overnight on Wednesday, once again raising fears that is only a matter of time before Hezbollah and Israel engage in a full scale conflict.
Several threats have been thrown back in force in recent weeks including Israel warning Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah directly via a third-party Arab official, that any attack it may launch on it, be it from its bases in Lebanon or those in Syria, will meet a “colossal military retaliation.”
Nasrallah was also warned that in the era of the Trump administration, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu would be able to more easily garner the support of moderate countries in the region — most likely in the form of tacit consent — in the event Israel would have to mount a forceful counterattack against Hezbollah.
Nasrallah on Monday doubled down on his recent saber-rattling against Israel and warned that his terror group would not hold back from attacking sensitive Israeli targets if the Jewish state goes to war with Lebanon.
The terror chief repeated a previous threat to fire rockets at Israels nuclear reactor in Dimona and at a huge ammonia storage tank in Haifa.
Hezbollah will not keep to any “red lines” in a future war with Israel, Nasrallah warned.
The Hezbollah threat is real.  What was once a rag-tag terrorist army of bomb makers and violent thugs is now considered a formidable regional military force.
Generous funding by Iran (thanks to the lifting of sanctions by Obama), heavy weapons acquisitions that include both tanks and more than sixty-thousand rockets, massive recruitment drives that have swelled its ranks and a year of heavy combat in Syria have transformed Hezbollah into an altogether new enemy for Israel.
Now, with the conflict in Syria likely entering its final stages, the thousands of full-time and battle-hardened soldiers will need a new target. There is little doubt in which direction they will turn, especially the thousands who saw fighting ISIS as a training exercise for their true enemy: Israel.
Israel’s border region with Syria, the Golan Heights, used to be among Israel’s safest frontiers but now the heavily fortified zone looks out on increasing activity from the ISIS affiliated Yarmouk Martyrs’ Brigade, and to the North of their territory, Hezbollah units supported by both Iran and Syrian regime.
Once Syrian territory, the Golan Heights came under Israeli control during the 1967 June War, or Six-Day War, that saw Israel repelling an invasion on multiple fronts.
Though held strategically by Israel, Israel didn’t fully annex the region until 1981. Today, the Golan Heights acts as a sort of buffer zone to the North East, one in which Israeli tanks faced Syrian army units across a UN patrolled cease fire lines, but with little incident since 1973.
Now the equation has changed. The Assad regime may have shown little interest in sparking a major conflict across the cease fire line, but the Iran-sponsored Hezbollah has different interests.
This is not the first time Israel has struck at Hezbollah weapons shipments in Syria or Lebannon in an attempt to cut off its supply of rockets that could be used on Israeli populations.
The shift of Hezbollah away from fighting ISIS and with access to the Golan Heights, Iran now has essential control of a new strategic corridor.
According to Professor Asher Susser of the Center for Middle Eastern Studies at Tel Aviv University, “The changes in Syria have brought Iran closer to Israel’s border than ever before.”
Not only does Israel face the threat of attack across the border with Lebanon but now also with Syria in a situation nearly unprecedented within the past fifty years.
Hezbollah has sacrificed much in the Syrian Civil War, as many as five thousand soldiers according to some estimates, and is demanding control in Syria “commensurate with its sacrifices” according to a report by Kurdi-Iraqi journalist Roshun Kassem.
The result is an Iranian proxy army with the destruction of Israel as its stated goal now gaining access to a strategic corridor at the North of Israel.
As victory of government forces nears in Syria, it is increasingly possible that the ISIS backed militias near the border will be replaced with Iran-backed Hezbollah forces through negotiations with the Syrian government.
Such a movement would further cement the influence of Iran along Israel’s border. There is talk that Syrian leader Assad is also getting ready to allow Hezbollah to fire rockets into Israel from Syrian soil as punishment for it’s continued attacks in it’s territory.
Russian air power, which shows no sign of exiting Syria, further complicates any attempt for Israel to counter these moves.
Though Israel and Russia have a working defense relationship, including dedicated air force liaison officers meant to prevent any interference, the amount of Russian anti-air firepower in the region meant to protect Syrian assets still poses a threat should Hezbollah attack.
Whatever the immediate result, the fact of the matter is that the Golan Heights has grown more volatile and Hezbollah, which has stated that it saw the Syrian Civil War as training for the coming war with Israel, will soon sit poised to threaten Israel across two fronts.
With increased combat experience, Iranian funding and military materiel, the threat now posed by Hezbollah is all too real.


by Yoram Ettinger
1. Israel’s security requirements derive from the explosive Middle East, which requires an unusually high national security threshold, due to the 14-century-old intra-Muslim and intra-Arab unpredictability, intolerance, violence, volatility, fragmentation, treachery and the absence of intra-Arab peaceful-coexistence.

2. The Jewish state is located in a region, which is dominated by an Islam-driven worldview which has never tolerated non-Muslim, “infidel” sovereignty in the, supposedly, abode-of-Islam. The 1,400-year-old raging nature of the Middle East precedes the establishment of Israel, and it haunts the globe irrespective of Israel’s policies, conflicts or existence.

3. Israel’s national security requirements grow in direct proportion to the intensification of Middle Eastern and global unpredictability – recently exhibited by the tectonic Arab Tsunami – which produced radical regime-change, highlighting the provisional nature of Arab policies and agreements.

4. Global and Middle Eastern unpredictability has been documented by the collapse of the Soviet Union; global transformation from bi-polar, to multi-polar, confrontations; the strategic retreat by the US and the draconian cuts in its defense budget and size of military force; the eruption of international terrorism; the spill-over of Islam-driven terrorism into Europe and the US; the disintegration of Libya, Iraq, Syria and Yemen; the rising threat of conventional and nuclear Iran; the downfall of the supposedly invincible Mubarak, Assad, Saddam Hussein and Qaddafi; etc.

5. The increase of Israel’s security requirements is a common-sense-derivative of the unpredictable, volcanic eruptions which could afflict the Middle East and beyond.  For instance, a regime change in highly-vulnerable Jordan would transform Israel’s currently peaceful, longest and most critical 300-mile-border – the closest to Jerusalem, Ben Gurion Airport, Tel Aviv and 80% of Israel’s population and infrastructures – into a most lethal threat to Israel’s homeland and national security, producing chaos in Israel’s heartland.  A regime change in Jordan would exacerbate Palestinian terrorism, possibly forging a radical bloc from Iran to the Jordan Valley, posing a clear and present danger to the relatively pro-US regimes in Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, the UAE, Oman and Egypt.

6. Israel’s added security requirements are also a derivative of a potential regime change in Egypt, from the current moderate military regime to the explosive Muslim Brotherhood, the largest trans-Islamic terror organization.  It would provide a tailwind to Gaza-based Palestinian terrorism, as well as to Islam-based terrorism in northern Africa, the Horn of Africa and throughout Africa, severely undermining US geo-strategic concerns.

7. The drastic cuts in the US defense budget, combined with the US retreat from Afghanistan and Iraq, the nuclear agreement with the Ayatollahs and the US policy of engagement with – rather than confrontation of – rogue regimes are perceived, by rogue regimes, as weakness, undermining the US posture of deterrence, which has been a critical force of stabilization. Israel’s security requirements must assume that the erosion of the US military power projection may be sustained, energizing rogue regimes in the Middle East and throughout the globe, dramatically undermining homeland and national security of Israel and all other Western democracies.

8. Expecting Israel to retreat from the 3,000 ft.-steep-mountain ridges of Judea and Samaria – which dominate the Jordan Valley, the Jerusalem enclave, the main highway which connects Jerusalem to the coastal plane, Israel’s only international airport, Tel Aviv and the 9-15 mile sliver along the Mediterranean – requires Israel to sacrifice Middle East, intra-Muslim and global reality on the altar of delusion, to relinquish 4,000 years of Jewish historical, religious cultural and national roots, to repeat – rather than avoid – past errors (such as yielding land to the Palestinian Authority, in 1993 and 2005, which intensified terrorism and hate education), to ignore the treacherous intra-Arab Palestinian track record, and to rely on inherently tenuous diplomatic and military agreements, warranties and guarantees. 

9.   Lt. General (ret.) Tom Kelly, Chief of Operations in the 1991 Gulf War, stated: “I cannot defend Israel without the West Bank…. The West Bank Mountains, and especially their 5 approaches, are the critical terrain.  If an enemy secures those passes, Jerusalem and Israel become uncovered.  Without the West Bank, Israel is only 8 miles wide at its narrowest point.  That makes it indefensible.”

10. Military high-tech today will be low-tech tomorrow, but high ground always remains high ground.  Moreover, any technology can be jammed, but one cannot jam the mountainous topography of Judea & Samaria.  Israel’s control of the Judea and Samaria mountain ridges minimizes threats to homeland security and national security, providing Israel with the time required to mobilize its active reservists (75% of the military force!) in case of a surprise Arab offensive, as happened in 1973, when Israel was on a verge of destruction.  A retreat from the mountain ridges of Judea and Samaria would import the terroristic Gaza-reality to Judea & Samaria, transforming Israel from an assertive national security producer – for the US – to a feeble national security consumer, burdening the US.

EDITOR’S NOTE:  This insightful article by former Ambassador Yoram Ettinger once again emphasizes that Israel’s defense comes from the LORD GOD of ISRAEL!

A Lack of Compassion: “Worlds Largest Democracy” Clamps Down on Christians

By Eric Metaxas/


On January 13th, Compassion International told the sponsors of 130,000 Indian children that, barring an unlikely turn of events, it would cease operations in India in mid-March.
The announcement came a year after the Indian government told the organization that “it could no longer receive funding from outside the subcontinent.”
While the news dismayed Compassion’s donors, it shouldn’t have come as a surprise to those familiar with the deteriorating state of religious freedom in India.
Compassion’s announcement comes shortly after Open Doors International released its “World Watchlist,” which ranked the worst countries in which to be a Christian.


North Korea, of course, ranked first again. The next twelve countries are either overwhelmingly Muslim or, like Nigeria, are suffering from an Islamist insurgency–in this case, Boko Haram–that targets Christians.
Then at #15, just behind Saudi Arabia, is India. Why? India is neither Islamic nor a repressive dictatorship like North Korea or China.
David Curry, the CEO of Open Doors, told Morgan Lee and Mark Galli of Christianity Today that the situation in India reflects the rise of what he calls “ethnic nationalism,” in which what it means to be an Indian is defined in religious–in this case, Hindu–terms.
An Indian who is a Christian or, for that matter, a Muslim, is regarded as less than truly Indian, because Hinduism is at the heart of what it means to be an Indian.
This ideology goes by the name “Hindutva,” which literally means “Hinduness.” It’s an ideology that belies the western image of India as a land of Gandhi, gurus, and nonviolence.
There’s nothing peaceful or tolerant about Hindutva. On the contrary, the man who assassinated Gandhi was an adherent of Hindutva and felt that Gandhi had betrayed the Hindu community.
The current ruling party in India, the BJP, is ideologically committed to the idea of Hindutva.
As Vice News put it, Prime Minister Narendra Modi, in addition to being implicated in the 2002 massacre of 2,000 Muslims while governor of Gujarat, has also been “accused of promoting India’s majority religion of Hinduism to the detriment of Christianity, Islam, and other faiths.”
The ruling party’s commitment to Hindu supremacy is perhaps best reflected in the various laws prohibiting religion conversion that I told you about on BreakPoint a year ago.
Six Indian states have enacted laws in the past several years that effectively ban conversions from Hinduism to Christianity or to Islam.
This is the political and cultural context in which Compassion’s decision must be seen. The Indian government knows that the money coming from outside of India is highly unlikely to be replaced by donations from within India.
It also knows that it can use all the help it can get: 44% of Indian children under five are underweight and 72% of its infants suffer from anemia.
So why block Compassion International? Because nationalism in the form of Hindutva trumps helping malnourished children.
What can we do about it? The good news is that, unlike North Korea or Somalia, we do have some political leverage.
India wants to increase its annual trade with the USA five-fold “over the near term.” Christians should let the Trump administration know that such increases must be accompanied by a greater respect for religious freedom on the subcontinent.
And of course we should pray. Curry told Christianity Today that he would feel “much better” if he felt that the “American church” was “at least praying” for persecuted believers.
At least, indeed.


by Morton Klein (Arutz Sheva News)


With Donald Trump in the White House, speculation is mounting: does he intend to act on his pre-election promise, dating back to January 2016, and reaffirmed both before (personally to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu) and since his election, that he will transfer the US embassy in Tel Aviv to Israel’s capital, Jerusalem, in accordance with standard diplomatic practice and the 1995 Jerusalem Embassy Act? Doubt is being cast on the President’s intention to follow through.
It has been argued, apparently by Egyptian and Jordanian leaders, that such a move would inflame the Arab world, especially the Palestinian Arabs, and expose Americans to attack, while causing disorders for these regimes.
It is even said that Israel’s subterranean contacts and quiet cooperation with certain Arab states, united by fear of a nuclear Iran, might be imperiled by the tumult such a move would cause on the Arab street. The Palestinian Authority (PA) has reportedly threatened to revoke its official recognition of Israel (which in reality it did not ever accept as Jewish state).
Indeed, PA President Mahmoud Abbas — no stranger to urging violence over Jerusalem; just recall his September 2015 call upon Palestinians to violence to defend the Al Aqsa Mosque, which he falsely claimed was under assault from the Jews’ “filthy feet” — has threatened that if the embassy is moved, “it will destroy the peace process.”
Weighty as these considerations against moving the embassy might seem, President Trump would be wise to act on his pledge (as well as his original inclination) and move the embassy, for four reasons:
First, President Trump spoke in his inaugural address of the imperative of “eradicating from the face of the Earth” radical Islamic terrorism.  It would ill-serve his credibility and thus American interests to renege on a emphatic, explicit commitment to move the embassy in the face of jihadist terrorist threats as virtually the first act of his Presidency.
Second, how are allies to put trust in American commitments that can be undone at the first hint of violence or intimidation? Retracting his commitment to move the embassy would appear to be the worst possible way for President Trump to tackle, as he has pledged to do, reversing the perception that America doesn’t stand by friends while being concessionary to violent enemies.
Third, jihadist terrorists, dedicated to destroying or transforming America into a sharia-compliant state irrespective of Israel’s existence, have either planned or launched at least 91 attacks within the U.S. since 9/11 (ten during 2016 alone). It’s unlikely that moving the U.S. embassy will engender attacks that would not otherwise be undertaken.  But even if it did, the idea that U.S foreign policy is to be determined by the probability of resort to murderous force by terrorists is unworthy of a sovereign country, let alone a world power.
Fourth,  this is especially so where such a move might be beneficial to peace.  Far from harming peace prospects, a clear U.S. policy that corrects an historic anomaly and unambiguously recognizes the reality of Jerusalem’s status as Israel’s capital by relocating the US embassy there might serve to dissipate the unrealistic Palestinian ambition that Israel can be detached from Jerusalem.
Islam possesses holy sites in Jerusalem, but the city is neither sacred to Islam nor has it ever served as an Islamic capital; Jordan, which illegally occupied and annexed Jerusalem’s eastern half (1948-67), neglected it and retained Amman as its capital.  During this period, no Arab leader, other than Jordan’s King Hussein, even visited it.   Indeed, the Quran never refers to the city and Muslim prayers are directed towards Mecca.  But detaching Israel from Jerusalem is one of the holy grails of the Palestinian movement.
PA senior official and former ambassador, Abbas Zaki, succinctly explained why in 2011: “if they get out of Jerusalem, what will become of all the talk about the Promised Land and the Chosen People? They consider Jerusalem to have a spiritual status. If the Jews leave those places, the Zionist idea will begin to collapse.”
Accordingly, the Palestinian ambition to detach Jerusalem from Israel is itself an impediment to peace prospects – and so therefore is America’s present policy that even the western half of Jerusalem in Israeli hands since the 1949 Israeli/Jordanian armistice is not treated as Israel.
The standing US position on Jerusalem emboldens jihadist aggression and reinforces Palestinian hopes that Jerusalem, and eventually Israel, will pass out of Jewish hands.
Deferring or refusing to move the embassy entrenches this aspiration. This is scarcely a signal that the U.S. should wish to send.  America’s reputation and reliability, as also the opportunity to remove an obstacle to eventual peacemaking, are at stake.  Hopefully, President Trump understands this.

10 ‘Humiliating’ Minutes At An Israeli Checkpoint

By Stephen M. Flatow/


Remember John Howard Griffin’s 1961 book “Black Like Me,” about a white journalist who posed as an African-American in order to experience what life was like for blacks in the South?  An American journalist recently undertook a Palestinian version of that experiment.
Hearing complaints about Israeli checkpoints that supposedly restrict the movement of Arabs in Judea and Samaria, filmmaker Ami Horowitz of Fox News decided to see for himself.
He hired a Palestinian driver and, traveling in a car with Palestinian license plates, they drove “throughout the West Bank.” How often did Israeli troops interrupt their journey? “We were never stopped,” Horowitz reported.
Next he decided to see what it’s like for Palestinians crossing at the checkpoints that separate Israel from Palestinian Authority-controlled areas.
One was the Kalandia checkpoint. It’s the last defense line for Jerusalem–the final point at which Israeli soldiers can check to make sure that Palestinians are not smuggling bombs, guns or knives into Israel’s capital. One would expect there to be long lines and complicated searches that would make the lives of Palestinian travelers difficult. But that wasn’t the case at all.
Horowitz asked three different Palestinians at the Kalandia checkpoint how long it takes them to get through on a typical day. All three said, “10 minutes.” One, in fact, told Horowitz that the time “the soldier checks my ID or my work permit is just one minute.”
The allegation that Palestinians are unfairly restricted by the checkpoints is circulated regularly by the United Nations, much of the international news media and J Street types.
It is an accusation that has been embraced even by the U.S. State Department. Secretary of State John Kerry, in his infamous Dec. 28 speech, declared that the Palestinians in the disputed territories “are restricted in their daily movements by a web of checkpoints and unable to travel into or out of the West Bank without a permit from the Israelis.”
Yet you could say the exact same thing about Americans. We are restricted by security checkpoints in every airport, every courthouse and countless office buildings throughout the country.
We have to empty our pockets, take off our coats, turn our laptops on and off, sometimes remove our shoes, throw out our bottles of water, and submit to body scans and searches, among other things. And we can’t travel across America’s border without a permit–known as a passport–from the U.S. government.
How many of those awful security checkpoints does the Israeli military actually maintain? Look at the website of the extreme left-wing group “B’Tselem,” a leading critic of Israel. It states that the military “currently operates 27 permanent staffed checkpoints in the West Bank.”
Twenty-seven–in a region of more than 2,000 square miles. And 26 of the 27 are situated at the border between Israel and the disputed territories. What sovereign country does not have checkpoints at its border?
According to B’Tselem, the Israeli military also operates 16 “temporarily manned checkpoints.” They “are generally open for Palestinians to cross without being checked.” Israeli security forces are present only “sometimes.” I would say they hardly even qualify as “checkpoints.”
Every year, there are hundreds of attempts by Palestinians to smuggle weapons into Israel. The last year for which I could find that statistic was 2012, when there were 475 such smuggling attempts.
So: a 10-minute delay for Palestinians versus 475 terrorist attacks against Israel. Is that a justified trade-off? You decide.


Remember John Howard Griffin’s 1961 book “Black Like Me,” about a white journalist who posed as an African-American in order to experience what life was like for blacks in the South?  An American journalist recently undertook a Palestinian version of that experiment.
Hearing complaints about Israeli checkpoints that supposedly restrict the movement of Arabs in Judea and Samaria, filmmaker Ami Horowitz of Fox News decided to see for himself.
He hired a Palestinian driver and, traveling in a car with Palestinian license plates, they drove “throughout the West Bank.” How often did Israeli troops interrupt their journey? “We were never stopped,” Horowitz reported.
Next he decided to see what it’s like for Palestinians crossing at the checkpoints that separate Israel from Palestinian Authority-controlled areas.
One was the Kalandia checkpoint. It’s the last defense line for Jerusalem–the final point at which Israeli soldiers can check to make sure that Palestinians are not smuggling bombs, guns or knives into Israel’s capital. One would expect there to be long lines and complicated searches that would make the lives of Palestinian travelers difficult. But that wasn’t the case at all.
Horowitz asked three different Palestinians at the Kalandia checkpoint how long it takes them to get through on a typical day. All three said, “10 minutes.” One, in fact, told Horowitz that the time “the soldier checks my ID or my work permit is just one minute.”
The allegation that Palestinians are unfairly restricted by the checkpoints is circulated regularly by the United Nations, much of the international news media and J Street types.
It is an accusation that has been embraced even by the U.S. State Department. Secretary of State John Kerry, in his infamous Dec. 28 speech, declared that the Palestinians in the disputed territories “are restricted in their daily movements by a web of checkpoints and unable to travel into or out of the West Bank without a permit from the Israelis.”
Yet you could say the exact same thing about Americans. We are restricted by security checkpoints in every airport, every courthouse and countless office buildings throughout the country.
We have to empty our pockets, take off our coats, turn our laptops on and off, sometimes remove our shoes, throw out our bottles of water, and submit to body scans and searches, among other things. And we can’t travel across America’s border without a permit–known as a passport–from the U.S. government.
How many of those awful security checkpoints does the Israeli military actually maintain? Look at the website of the extreme left-wing group “B’Tselem,” a leading critic of Israel. It states that the military “currently operates 27 permanent staffed checkpoints in the West Bank.”

Twenty-seven–in a region of more than 2,000 square miles. And 26 of the 27 are situated at the border between Israel and the disputed territories. What sovereign country does not have checkpoints at its border?

According to B’Tselem, the Israeli military also operates 16 “temporarily manned checkpoints.” They “are generally open for Palestinians to cross without being checked.” Israeli security forces are present only “sometimes.” I would say they hardly even qualify as “checkpoints.”
Every year, there are hundreds of attempts by Palestinians to smuggle weapons into Israel. The last year for which I could find that statistic was 2012, when there were 475 such smuggling attempts.
So: a 10-minute delay for Palestinians versus 475 terrorist attacks against Israel. Is that a justified trade-off? You decide.

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Trump Travel Ban Exposes Hypocrisy Of Muslim Nations That Ban Israeli Passports

News Image

By Barney Breen-Portnoy/


The ongoing global debate over US President Donald Trumps controversial travel ban executive order has drawn online attention to discrimination displayed by some Muslim-majority countries against Israeli passport holders.
A total of 16 nations around the world prohibit entry to Israeli citizens. And as some commentators have pointed out, this group includes six of the seven countries targeted by Trumps action.
Photos showing the list of 16 nations   including Algeria, Bangladesh, Brunei, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Malaysia, Oman, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Syria, United Arab Emirates and Yemen have gone viral on Facebook.
At a session of the British Parliament on Monday, UK Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson was asked about the treatment of Israelis by these countries.
I think its right that the House of Commons should be aware of that discrimination, of that ban that already exists, Johnson said.
The outrage and protestation against Trump’s action is ludicrous. Even the most poorly informed know that wherever Islam has gained a strong foothold in the world, terrorism, persecution and oppression has become the norm.
Why is it so difficult for these morons to see that there is no ‘religion of peace’. If there was it certainly wasn’t what Mohammed was spreading by the sword. And as it is exactly that same religion which has been allowed to get a foothold in the West, is it any surprise that it has now militarized here, just as it did over a thousand years ago in Arabia?

Would the protesters be similarly outraged if Trump was banning Nazis? Well just remember, Hitler found one of his closest allies in Amin al-Husseini the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem who was the Sunni Muslim cleric in charge of Jerusalem‘s Islamic holy places, including the Al-Aqsa Mosque. No ‘religion of peace’ was ever preached by that man.

If you sign up to something. Be it ideology or religion. You support it. Are these the sort of people we should be protesting their right to enter our countries?

The War On Cash – EU Now Pushing “Restrictions On Payments In Cash”

By Claire Bernish/


In the most far-reaching move toward a cashless society to date, the European Commission proposed enforcing “restrictions on payments in cash” under an all-too-familiar premise — because terrorism.
“Payments in cash are widely used in the financing of terrorist activities,” the Commission’s proposal states. “In this context, the relevance of potential upper limits to cash payments could also be explored. Several Member States have in place prohibitions for cash payments above a specific threshold.”
On the heels of the European Central Bank’s discontinuation of the ¬500 note, the Commission’s plan would drastically scale back civilians’ ability to conduct transactions using currency — and, by default, will allow banks and the State further means to track individuals via bank cards.
According to the Commission’s Inception Impact Assessment,
Cash has the important feature of offering anonymity to transactions. Such anonymity may be desired for legitimate reason (e.g. protection of privacy).
But, such anonymity can also be misused for money laundering and terrorist financing purposes. The possibility to conduct large cash payments facilitates money laundering and terrorist financing activities because of the difficulty to control cash payment transactions.
In other words, because criminals and terrorists use paper currency, the ability for law-abiding citizens to conduct anonymous transactions with cash must be curtailed.
For any number of reasons — not the least of which is the laughable presumption terrorists would just walk into a store and purchase big ticket tools of the trade — this assessment fails the sniff test.
In actuality, moving away from the use of physical currency constitutes a veritable jackpot for the West’s Surveillance State, and presents myriad possibilities for abuse by the European Commission and member governments.
How long will it be, after all, before such restrictions extend to transactions of lesser sums?
“Potential restrictions to cash payments would be a means to fight criminal activities entailing large payment transactions in cash by organised criminal networks,” the plan states.
“Restricting large payments in cash, in addition to cash declarations and other AML obligations, would hamper the operation of terrorist networks, and other criminal activities, i.e. have a preventive effect.
It would also facilitate further investigations to track financial transactions in the course of terrorist activities.”
Notably, though the proposal repeatedly proffers the preventive effect made possible through prohibitions on large cash transactions, evidence supporting that theory is glaringly absent.
It continues:
Effective investigations are hindered as cash payments transactions are anonymous. Thus restrictions on cash payments would facilitate investigations.
However, as cash transactions are moved to the financial system, it is essential that financial institutions have adequate controls and procedures in place that enable them to know the person with whom they are dealing.
Adequate due diligence on new and existing customers is a key part of these controls in, line with the AMLD [Anti-Money Laundering Directive].
Terrorists use cash to sustain their illegal activities, not only for illegal transactions (e.g. the acquisition of explosives) but also for payments which are in appearance legal (e.g. transactions for accommodation or transport).
While a restriction on payments in cash would certainly be ignored for transactions that are in any case already illegal, the restriction could create a significant hindrance to the conduct of transactions that are ancillary to terrorist activities.
The Commission’s own language evinces a degree of doubt as to whether such a plan would work, saying only “the restriction could create a significant hindrance” to terrorist operations.
Indeed, as pointed out by Sovereign Man’s, Simon Black, restricting large-sum cash dealings might have the opposite effect on crime:
If you examine countries with very low denominations of cash, the opposite holds true: crime rates, and in particular organized crime rates, are extremely high.
Consider Venezuela, Nigeria, Brazil, South Africa, etc. Organized crime is prevalent. Yet each of these has a currency whose maximum denomination is less than $30.
The same trend holds true when looking at corruption and tax evasion.


Yet the European Commission still asserts, “Organised crime and terrorism financing rely on cash for payments for carrying out their illegal activities and benefitting from them.
By restricting the possibilities to use cash, the proposal would contribute to disrupt the financing of terrorism, as the need to use non anonymous means of payment would either deter the activity or contribute to its easier detection and investigation.”
Perhaps the most astonishing and erroneous assumption in the plan is that terrorists and criminals will suddenly abide the law — as if malicious groups would surmise, ‘Well, large cash transactions aren’t possible, so I guess we’ll have to find another line of work.’
Black presents several examples of countries who have taken the leap away from paper currency only to be hit with soaring crime rates.
In short, banning or severely limiting paper currency is ineffective at what governments claim such programs are intended to do, as Black continues,
Bottom line, the political and financial establishments want you to willingly get on board with the idea of abolishing, or at least reducing, cash…
Simply put, the data doesn’t support their assertion. It’s just another hoax that will give them more power at the expense of your privacy and freedom.
Freedom to spend, as one desires, on what one chooses comprises such a basic right, governments have had to propagate a massive campaign to conflate physical money with the criminal element — because the reality is, everyone uses paper currency — even if the Commission disagrees:
While being allowed to pay in cash does not constitute a fundamental right, the objective of the initiative, which is to prevent the anonymity that cash payments allow, might be viewed as an infringement of the right to privacy enshrined in Article 7 of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights […]
It should also be observed that national restrictions to cash payments were never successfully challenged based on an infringement to fundamental rights.
It might seem convenient to gradually abolish paper currency in favor of, for instance, a bank or other card for all transactions, but the brutal truth of a cashless society is the heaviest hand of the State in our private lives.